la dimensión mental al estado que permite que los individuos desarrollen sus capacidades, y, la dimensión social, que es la manera en que interactúa un individuo con las personas que le rodean, las instituciones y demás elementos de la sociedad.
The correct answer is: C) Great Britain's navy captured American sailors before the war began.
Because of the conflict between Great Britain and Napoleon Bonaparte's France, both countries tried to block the United States from trading with the other, which damaged and angered Americans deeply. Later on, to make things much worse, the Royal Navy of Great Britain took American sailors into the marine forces without notice to fight on its behalf. Both of these causes ultimately led to President James Madison's Declaration of War upon the British.
Set up Military, and Taxes.
B) B. F. Skinner
In 1948, B. F. Skinner, a behavioral psychologist, published his novel <em>Walden Two. </em>In his novel, Skinner describes a Utopian community, called "Walden Two," that is entirely ruled by operant conditioning - <em>a learning method in which punishments and rewards are used. </em>
This society is around one-thousand people and is governed by behavioral principles. They all seem to be quite happy with their lifestyles. Here, people tend to work for an average of four hours a day and are not paid with money, as it does not have a value in Walden Two. Everything here is experimental and people are "trained" or "conditioned" since childhood to reach efficiency and improvement.