The answer is <span>A summary is a shortened version of an original text; a paraphrase is a restatement of a part of text, such as a sentence.
Pericles thinks Athens is powerful because of its intellectual freedom and motivation.
<span>The Latin root "spec" or "spect" comes from specto, spectare - a 1st conjugation verb meaning to observe or watch. "Spectare" ("to observe") is the infinitive form of the verb.</span>
This quote focuses on the idea that sometimes, no matter how hard people try, <em>they cannot achieve their goals or deepest desires.</em> They reach out further and further for one thing or someone and <em>never </em>get to it. Some never lose hope and "stretch out their arms farther", but that doesn't mean they'll get there. They have more optimism. These final words are just about Gatsby's struggle to achieve the American dream and his dream girl and the unfortunate events that follow his endeavors.
If you use my analysis, don't copy word for word ! :)
Vote brainliest if you want! :)
Habilidad means skill or ability in English.
"Tengo motivos de preocupación en cuanto a la habilidad de este testigo, ya que es un menor de edad."
"I have I have reasons for concern about the competence of this witness since he's a minor."