Are you asking for which ones are metaphors ??
If so...
The building was a maze
The sidewalk could fry an egg
Her eyes drilled into my face
The company is buried in work.
Those are all metaphors the others are literal
Answer: I think that jack hits piggy to assert dominance and show piggy that they are not at the same level.
Explanation: Jack is the type of guy that shows power by putting down the weak or the people in the lowest of the food chain. For example, Jack is rude to littleuns piggy, and also Ralph (because ralph is in the way of jake ruling).
C, she was angry about his made up story.
Scout and Atticus bond.
‘It was not until many years later that I realized he wanted me to hear every word he said’ this is a line from the novel ‘To Kill a Mockingbird.’ The statement was said by Scout who is a daughter of Atticus.
Atticus was a lawyer and he was defending Tom Robinson’s case. Because of this, Scout and Jem will be facing difficulty in school. And that was the time when Atticus told Jem that ‘When a child asks you something, answer him. But don't make a production of it’, by this he meant don’t complicate things or elaborate them.
Atticus knew that Scout was listening to their conversation, so this was his way to notify and alert scout about the upcoming months to come. And that was when scout knew that Atticus wanted her to hear his every word. From this we also come to known the kind of father Atticus was. He always taught his children a moral sense of what's right and what's wrong.
Retort. Retorts are answers to remarks that are delivered in a sharp and witty manner, also they're often angry.