Some of the pull factor codes were things like the Homestead acts which were a series of acts on land allocation. For example, if you went westwards, the country would give you a huge piece of land which would become fully yours after five years of successful agricultural business.
the Democratic Republicans
Democratic Republicans believed in state power over the federal government and the ability of states to ignore unjust laws. In the case of the Whiskey Rebellion, farmers rebelled against a tax on whiskey. They believed it was the right as citizens to refuse to pay a federal tax because they didn't believe in the tax and weren't fairly represented. The rebellion was met by federal troops and a statement of federal supremacy.
Democratic-Republicans formed under the leadership of Thomas Jefferson. The party had roots in the ideas of Anti-Federalists during the Constitutional Convention. The Democratic-Republicans believed the Constitution should be followed strictly and as stated. They also supported states rights over the federal government. In addition they opposed the National Bank and any institutions that gave the federal government power.
When China annexed Tibet, the heriditary and religious leaders of Tibet were deposed. Many were exiled, imprisoned, or killed. The Dalai Lama was declared an enemy and religions, including the dominant Buddhism, were officially banned.
Palestine is the geographic region situated between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
In 1947, the United Nations proposed a plan to partition Palestine into two sections: a Jewish and Palestinian state. Jewish leaders accepted the plan however, Palestinian Arabs opposed the plan to partition Palestine into two sections.