In anaphase, the shortest stage of mitosis, the sister chromatids break apart, and the chromosomes begin moving to opposite ends of the cell. By the end of anaphase, the 2 halves of the cell have an equivalent collection of chromosomes. In telophase, 2 daughter nuclei form. The nuclear envelope beings to reappear.
Plant cells have all of these, but only a plant cell has a chloroplast.
Phylum Nematoda.
The heartworms belongs to the phylum Nematoda.
-Phylum Nematoda are un-segmented organisms with anterior lateral chemosensory organs (amphids) and with a persistent blastocoel or pseudocoelom; dorsal and ventral nerve cords in epidermis and excretory system of renette cells or tubules.
-The alimentary canal is provided with distinct mouth and anus (complete digestive tract).