to establish a clear and precise definition of a wilderness area
A principios de 1887, una epidemia de viruela tuvo en vilo a la ciudad de París. Guy de Maupassant se inspiró en la tragedia para escribir uno de sus cuentos más crueles… Un cuento que, en época de pandemia, confinamientos involuntarios y un virus invisible al acecho, ha dejado de ser visto como una horrible fantasías.
In English, just in case
In early 1887, a smallpox epidemic had the city of Paris on edge. Guy de Maupassant was inspired by the tragedy to write one of his cruelest tales ... A tale that, in times of pandemic, involuntary confinement and an invisible virus lurking, has ceased to be seen as a horrible fantasy.
The answer is B, a team of explorers are studying the ocean floor
The denotation of a word is the definition that you would find in a dictionary. So, the denotation for voracious is: Consuming or eager to consume great amounts of food.