Answer and Explanation:
Language creates communication and communication is able to create bridges between societies in all parts of the world, allowing connections to be made between all peoples. This creates a global unity, connects different cultures and allows for the joint thinking of all the inhabitants of the planet who can act together to solve global problems, to share their privileges and encourage positive elements across the planet. In short, language and communication provide connections and that builds a global and unified society.
Each paragraph of your media analysis essay should evaluate the evidence that has been given to support the thesis.have specifically referenced reorganized for overall organization and wordiness.focus on one major idea that relates to your thesis. Each paragraph of your media analysis essay should focus on one major idea that relates to your thesis.
Blake describes wandering 'thro' each charter'd street'. ... In Blake's 'London' even the beauty and anarchy of nature are subjected to political control. The regular iambic rhythm continually exemplifies the unavoidable, imprisoning influence of society, which haunts not only nature, but the citizens of London.
It is "both of the above"