No question, but team x has 200 more newtons than team y and therefore will win.
Feel free to ask if you still don't understand
The key processes in the fast carbon cycle include: Photosynthesis: the absorption of CO2 from the atmosphere (terrestrial plants) and from oceans (marine plants) to produce organic carbon structures. Respiration: the release of CO2 into the atmosphere, soil and oceans by animals as they exhale.
The right answer is b. Tree.
Some plants (like trees) have evolved with different unusual nutritional adaptations over time. Heterotrophic plants are plants that use only or partly a source of organic carbon to grow, unlike the most common autotrophic plants, which use inorganic carbon and water to grow, often through the process of photosynthesis (photoautotrophic).
A greater more than 3 because in a cube there are 6 numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6
Then it is not equal to have 1 greater than a tree has four numbers and less than three has 2. So more likely, Greater than three.