<span>this sentence could be complete in the following form: Beowulf's preparation for battle against the fire dragon differs from his preparation for battle against Grendel in that Beowulf carries weapon (option A). it might be added that he even had a shield made out of iron in order to be protected against the dragon's fire. </span>
Well Unferth is not impressed by Beowulf’s exploits telling
them he was beaten in a swimming match with Brecca. Beowulf responded that he was carried away by
storm and fought a monster that he killed causing him to be washed away to a
beach in Finland where he continued to fight and kill more monsters.
What exactly are you trying to ask ?
Victor assaults his investigations with excitement and, overlooking his public activity and his family far away in Geneva, gains quick ground. Later, Ardently dedicating himself to this work, he ignores everything else; family, companions, studies, and public activity, and becomes progressively pale, desolate, and fixated.
It closes the end of the narrative in a smooth way. Not just abruptly.