b. 2
Humans have typically 23 pairs of chromosomes. Each pair is composed of a chromosome from the mother and another from the father. A specific locus in a chromosome is composed of two alleles. An allele inherited from the mother and the other allele inherited from the father.
A dam is a structure built across a stream or river to hold water back. Dams can be used to store water, control flooding, and generate electricity.
C. break hydrogen bonds between complementary nucleotides; the job of DNA helicases is to separate the two strands of a DNA molecule to allow DNA pol III to do its job in synthesizing the complementary DNA strands.
Para medir la temperatura de una manera más exacta se utiliza un termómetro. Un termómetro es el instrumento que se usa para medir la temperatura del aire. Los termómetros más comunes son tubos de vidrio huecos. En la parte inferior del tubo se encuentra la ampolleta que contiene un líquido como alcohol o mercurio.