1.Answer:My full name is so difficult,so call me jay so my friend for short
2.Answer:This coffee Is too hot for me drink it
3.Answer:Helen bought a motorbike In order not to get stuck in traffic jams
4.Answer:We failed to win the competition in spite of trying really hard
5.Answer:We use the knife to cut onions
6.Answer:Take my gloves if as it may get colder
7.Answer:The theft to the valuable painting are investigating the police
8.Answer:Every month Alan goes at the Amalfi Salon
Because beleaving in God is very important to most people
In lines 1-4, He uses summer to compare his lover with. Because it is hot, a time of passion, fun. Summer fades away, but his lover does not. Her beauty shines for eternity. Shakespeare uses the beauty in nature to communicate his insights about his beloved because to link him to this time of beauty, heat and passion.
Many authentic scientific discoveries were ignored.