Ayer decidimos salir a celebrar el cumpleaños de nuestra tía Graciela.
Mi hermano llamó al restaurante cubano cerca de casa para reservar una mesa.
Llegamos al restaurante a las siete.
El camarero nos recomendó varios platos y preguntó qué queríamos beber. Mi hermano mayor pidió una cerveza y mi hermano menor decidió pedir un refresco.
Para esta ocasión mis dos hermanos se vistieron muy elegantemente, con camisa de vestir y corbata.
El camarero le sirvió a Tía Graciela un postre especial para su cumpleaños.
Cuando volvimos a casa, mi hermano pequeño se durmió de inmediato porque había comido mucho.
Nos divertimos mucho ayer y espero que pronto tengamos otra ocasión para salir a comer juntos.
Maria Requena
In her officeWith Mrs. GraciaAccording to Paco, if there is no client there is no money, so thereis nothing.Lola says that she works for El Pais an important newspaper in Spain,and is a journalist.Maria is the daughter of Lorenzo Requena and the niece of Mrs. Gracia.Mrs. Gracia is very rich. She has a fortune in money, jewelry and inart.Before coming to live with Mrs. Gracia Maria had a serious caraccident.Pedro, the grandson of Mrs. Gracia lives in Italy and his grandmotherdoesn't know.According to Mrs. Lupe Maria will the receive the fortune of Mrs.GraciaCase ProgressShe tells Pedro what happened with Dona Gracia So Pedro tells her toget clients because without them she has nothing, she agrees. She's inher apartment when she sees lupe sweeping, she goes down to talk toher she tells her she's a journalist for el pais she likes thatnewspaper, Maria is very mad, on mondays she receives a newspaper, forfive years, Gracia is Maria's aunt, maria is not there, she yelle
<span>Yendo is the answer.
Hope this helps!
A gerund is </span><span>a form that is derived from a verb but that functions as a noun, in English ending.</span>