No, he did not.
his wives were Caroline Harper Means and Martha Caroline Means, a cousin of his first wife. His wifes were one or six years younger than he was, so they could not possibly be his daughters.
simla deputation on orgainised by the indian muslim leader met the governer General and Viceroy lord minto insimla on 1 october 1906 .The aim of the putuation was to win the sympathies of the Raj on their side concering matters relating to their intrests as a community .
Mostly so the people can still have power.
Authoritarian and Fascist leaders are usually dictators, with absolute power, denying people's human rights to create stability in their nations. A democratic nation with good human standards would have people who'd like to keep their rights. Only in vulnerable or unstable nations can real takeovers occur (sometimes, stable nations have problems).