imperialism is a way of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. the country also gains territories of lands.
D. Colonial. The executioner of the elephant represents the imperial country and the elephant symbolizes the victims of the imperialism. the shooting of the elephant shows that imperialism inflicts damage on both parties.
colonial imperialism is a metaphor in this article. Orwell is speaking about britiains role in conquering Burma over 62 years. burma was a colonial state that britain conquered in 1886 and later gained its independence in 1948.
Sir Charles Wood
Sir Charles Wood was once and widely known as the President of the Board of Control when India was still under British rule. During this period, in 1854 Sir Charles Wood so many recommendations to the then Governor-General of India concerning education. These recommendations were later known as Wood's despatch among which is the recommendation for the establishment of Universities in India.
The 1763 Treaty of Paris ended the major war known by Americans as the French and Indian War and by Canadians as the Seven Years' War / Guerre de Sept Ans, or by French-Canadians, La Guerre de la Conquête. It was signed by Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal in agreement. Preferring to keep Guadeloupe, France gave up Canada and all of its claims to territory east of the Mississippi River to Britain. With France out of North America this dramatically changed the European political scene on the continent.
Permitted to live in settlements
He was among those deported to Babylonia, where he was located at Tel-abib on the Kebar canal.
March 15, 1770
Dear Peter,
I am writing to help you understand the tension that is building up in our country. As you may already know, the American colonies will unite to expel English domination in their territory and become an independent nation. As you may already know, England will not accept this rupture, which shows us that this will not be a peaceful and peaceful process. I fear that some lives will be lost and that bad results will be established.
I do not believe that the rupture will not occur, especially after the military occupation in Boston that will spare no effort to stop the protesters against the increase in tax rates.
Like me, I hope you hope that everything can be resolved quickly, without economic losses and without the suffering of people.
With love,