Songhai empire
mali was know as the dynastic state in west africa but during the regime of Sonni Ali the Songhai empire surpassed the malian empire in area, wealth and power absorbing vast areas of the mali empire and reached it greatest extent.
The Sherman Antitrust act was created for that purpose, but it was also supported by the Clayton Antitrust Act which came later on. Roosevelt was known as "Teddy the Trust-Buster" for his strict enforcement of these acts.
It led to the expansion of Hellenistic culture
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for one the meaning of pan-Africanism is the principle or advocacy of the political union of all the indigenous inhabitants of Africa
also some text evidence is "Du Bois was one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in 1909" there for d is wrong c isnt a really good answer its more basic so no an a is just wrong