In 1990 the country that invaded Kuwait causing the United States and United Nations to intervene is Iraq.
I'm not sure if any were begun in 1775. The American Revolution was occurring at the time but it started in 1760's the sugar and stamp acts were in 1764 and 1765, While the Townsend act was in 1770. The declaration wasn't even started until 1817.
Its true i guess??? since you did the question and the answer
Economic, political and social.
Instability was from the Treaty of Versailles left many countries bitter for they did not get fully compensated for the war. Germany, especially, experienced economic and political issues bc they had to be a republic and pay billions in reparations. Russia was faced with a revolution and struggled with famine and inflation. Europe was faced with even more instability after the stock market crash of 1930.
Well, the moment the US intervened with the affairs of the World was the moment that the US could not go back to an isolationist policy. The US simply cannot afford to stop playing a role in world affairs, due to the fact that the US is a capitalist society and that the US has a lot of exports/imports. Unless the US can reach a level of capacity where it is self sufficient, which is currently impossible to do, the US must participate in the affairs of the World in order to survive.