Corn lacks the essential amino acids isoleucine and lysine. Beans lack the essential amino acids tryptophan and methionine. Soy
contains all the essential amino acids. Use this information to complete the following statement: Many traditional diets combine corn (e.g., tortillas) with beans to provide ________.a. all the essential fatsb. all the essential amino acidsc. all the essential fats and additional micronutrientsd. multivitaminse. additional micronutrients
Many traditional diets combine corn (e.g., tortillas) with beans to provide all the essential amino acids
Corn with beans is regarded as rich diet because it provides the body with all the essential amino acids including isoleucine, lysine, tryptophan and methionine, just as found in Soy.
The relationship between the food we eat and the energy in our bodies is that food is converted to energy and without food we will not have energy, I think hopes this helped you out a little.