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La escala menor natural es equivalente al modo eólico de la escala mayor. La escala menor natural de la (que coincide con las teclas blancas del piano al igual que su relativo mayor, do mayor) está formada por las notas: la, si, do, re, mi, fa, sol y la. ... Esto nos da como resultado la llamada escala menor armónica.
Intarsia is a process, also known as inlay, in which spaces are cut into wood and filled with wood shapes of a different color.
The tonic gives a state of stability and rest. Tonic chords do not demand progression to other chords.
The answer is love, as it was an emotion everyone has forgotten and held no meaning.
Texture is the appearance, feel , and consistency that is used by the artist
The artist used a visual elements to make the painting look iike a 3D painting and also used a lot of shading in his painting
hope this helps