A Health Manual.
you will always find one on the nurse stand anywhere.
New medications have more strict process to receive an approval from FDA compared to new dietary supplements which, some doesn't even need FDA's approval to be released in the market. Dietary supplements include in their labels "No approved therapeutic claims" to save them from legal responsibilities. During the titration, the repeated trials for the supplement varies from the medication is maybe because of less stability preservation of the supplement which caused it to degrade.
5) I would have simply not told her where the product she was requesting was, or I would have asked her what she I intended to do with it. She seemed, from our point of view, to be a suspicious figure, and I have no doubt that I would assume the same if I was the seller.
6) Depending on the time I realized what was happening, I would react differently. If I saw it in the making, I would definitely I intervene, as this would prevent any harm to the buyer or anyone else involved. If I realized after, however, I would still inform a manager, but would then leave the matter altogether.
Ankle twist, cramps, knee injuries, etc