Muscular dystrophy is a muscle disease that causes a loss in muscle mass and weakness. Patients with muscular dsytrophy may experience a weakening in their cardiac muscles, causings heart malfunction. Muscular dystrophy can also deteriorate the diaphragm, a muscle that solely aids in respiration, causing a breathing malfunction.
Assuming that the og cell is going through mitosis and not meiosis (sexual cell division) then the genetic code of the og cell and the daughter cells are the same. Thus, the genetic code of the daughter cells is AaSs.
I would guess rainforest because it’s an reptile/amphibian it appears and those animals need water to survive. There isn’t much water in the dessert.
Peran DNA sense menjelang awal proses sintesis protein adalah DNA sense digonakan sebagai cetakan kode genetik yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan mRNA.
mRNA selanjutnya akan mendeteksi protein apa saja yang dibutuhkan tubuh sebelum sintesis protein
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