All of the above
When we talk about soil quality we talk about soil components. The chemical composition is an active part of the soil components because it has Nitrogen, Ca+, Oxygen and other molecules that affects the interaction among the soil and its environment. The living organisms interacts with the molecules in the soil changing constantly their concentrations that modify the pH and the soil quality. All of these changes accumulation tell us how the soil has changed through the time, also can give us information to predict how soil will change, this is known as history of the soil.
To summarize the chemical composition affects directly the soil quality, the history of the soil are all the changes that it has suffer in its composition through time so it define the actual soil quality and the living organisms interact with the chemical composition changing it constantly and giving new qualities to the soil.
The acetabulum is a fossa formed by the ilium, ischium and pubis which with the femoral head forms the coxal joint.
The acetabulum is made up of the three bones that make up the coxal bone (hip bone).
The ischium, which offers the lower and side limits to the acetabulum, makes up somewhat more than two-fifths of the structure.
Less than two-fifths of the acetabulum's structure is provided by the ilium, which also serves as the top limit of the joint.
The pubis, which is close to the midline, forms the remainder.
The acetabulofemoral joint (art. coxae), also known as the coxal joint, is the joint between the head of the femur and the acetabulum of the pelvis.
Its main job is to support the weight of the body in both static (such as while standing) and dynamic (such as when walking or running) postures.
Learn more about Hip joint here