7.9 Age Word Problems
One application of linear equations is what are termed age problems. When solving age problems, generally the age of two different people (or objects) both now and in the future (or past) are compared. The objective of these problems is usually to find each subject’s current age. Since there can be a lot of information in these problems, a chart can be used to help organize and solve. An example of such a table is below.
It has many water ways to help it deliver goods by boat which is easier then other methods
The question above wants to assess your ability to interpret a text and analyze a character. For that reason, it's not correct for me to write the answer for you, but I'll show you how to answer them.
First, you must read the text and identify the protagonist of the story, that is, you need to identify the main character.
This character is the one to which all the events in the story are related. Since all elements of the story revolve around him or her.
You can answer the questions about this character as follows:
- Physical Appearance: Show what the character looks like, describe height, hair color, eye color, skin color, and anything else related to appearance.
- Feelings: Show if this character is happy, sad, anxious, angry, scared, hopeful, or whatever other feelings he has.
- Attitude: Describe this character's behavior and how he acts in situations in which he is involved.
About the elements of the story, you can identify them as follows:
- Exhibition: It is the beginning of the story where the basic elements are presented. These elements are the characters and the setting.
- Rising action: This shows when the tension in the story starts to rise as the story is reaching its main event.
- Climax: This refers to the most important moment in the story, where the character is facing the biggest challenge. This is the tensest moment in the story.
- Falling action: It's the moment that happens after the main moment of the story when the character's biggest challenge has already been overcome. At that point, the tension starts to fall and the story starts to come to an end.
- Resolution: It is the end of the story where the conclusion is presented.
More information:
Mrs. Frank never does anything illegal and is not used to their new life.
Mrs. Frank is concerned about the legality of the ration books because Mr, Kraler try to make a distinction between purchasing ration books illegally and assisting the many hiding in Amsterdam who are hiding and hungry in which Mrs Frank told Mr. Kraler that this isn’t the black market by stating that " This is what we call the white market . . . helping all of the hundreds and hundreds who are hiding out in Amsterdam" Which simply shows that Mrs. Frank never does anything illegal and is not used to their new life.