Answer: Fabio's attitude changed because he'd be in the parade.
Explanation: Fabio is excited to be able to participate in the parade. The focus of the question isn't on why he'd be in the parade or how? But on what makes his attitude change. Every other factor mentioned corroborates that he'd be participating in the parade.
<span>One needs to look now farther than the first paragraph to realize that Vonnegut's tale is laced with irony and satire. The strongest hint is when he mentions that there are over 100 ammendments in the Constitution. All these ammendments are designed to make society "perfect." Later on George and his wife Hazel are discussing how George's handicaps, the bags of birdshot tied to his legs, are terribly inconvenient and painful. Hazel suggests George break a law and remove the bags since he isn't competing against anyone at home. George replies that if he broke the law so would others and they'd end up right back in the "Dark Ages". These examples depict there is no such thing as a perfect society. Equality (in looks, strength, intelligence, etc.) does not bring about perfection and competition is essential for a thriving economy. In every society there are winners and losers. There is no way around that.</span>
The author's choice of language in lines 80-86 shape the readers perception in the sense that:
- The strong word choice by the author evokes strong feelings from readers, which shapes their perception that America needs to change drastically so that it can truly have freedom and equality.
The author's choice to end the poem this way is similar to a call to action in the sense that:
- A call to action tells the audience what they should do. Likewise, Hughes tells readers that they must redeem America and its people, that they must make America what it was supposed to be.
- "Let America be America Again" is a poem by Langston Hughes (1901-1967), American poet and social activist who was the leader of the <u>Harlem Renaissance movement.</u>
- The last stanza of the poem, lines 80-86, uses very strong word choice. Words such as "ruin", "death", "stealth" and "lies", among others, convey the idea that America is rotten.
- What the author wants is to evoke a strong feeling from readers. He wants them to want to change America.
- In a sense, the final stanza is a call to action. The author invites the audience to do something to change those awful things about the country.
- Hughes calls people to redeem America - its <u>lands, rivers, mountains, mines, plants</u>. By acting, people can make America the country of freedom and equality it should be.
Learn more about the poem here:
Its not about the gender if you are a victim of violence. A male or female can be the one abusing someone physically, emotionally, or sexually. Two specific reasons is if you are a person of color and if you are gay, lesbian, or transgender.