After two centuries (off and on) as a province of the Persian empire, Egypt was conquered by Alexander the Great. After his death in 323 BCE, Egypt passed into the hands of his general, Ptolemy, and his descendants. Under them, Egypt has become the wealthiest and most highly organized of the “Hellenistic” kingdoms.
The First World War was a cataclysm that disrupted countless lives. As a modern, total war, it brought men and women into active battle zones across Europe as well as in parts of Africa and Asia. New technology further extended the borders of the war. <span>Air power </span>made it possible to launch attacks against civilian populations at some distance from traditional frontlines, and U-boats sank passenger ships, such as the Lusitania in 1915, that were loaded with men, women, and children crossing the Atlantic. In addition, albeit with less novelty, invading armies ended up occupying swathes of territory. Civilian women and men in Belgium, the north and east of France, Serbia, and parts of the Russian empire among other locales came under the control of occupying powers.
ENGLISH:As a result, for the most part, the English colonies in North America were business ventures. They provided an outlet for England's surplus population and (in some cases) more religious freedom than England did, but their primary purpose was to make money for their sponsors.
Como resultado, en su mayor parte, las colonias inglesas en América del Norte eran empresas comerciales. Proporcionaron una salida para el excedente de población de Inglaterra y (en algunos casos) más libertad religiosa que Inglaterra, pero su propósito principal era hacer dinero para sus patrocinadores.