Napoleon gets the wily lawyer Mr. Whymper to spread propaganda around the local area about how incredibly well the farm is doing under his leadership. It's all a complete lie, of course; life on the farm is characterized by tyranny, bloodshed, and chronic food shortages, but Napoleon wants Whymper to believe that everything's on the up and the up and that the farm has never been more successful.
He wants him to believe this because he's taken the decision to trade with humans in the neighboring farms and villages. If the humans find out about the real conditions on the farm, then they'll try to take advantage of the situation, insisting on paying a lower price for the goods that Napoleon plans to trade with them. They might even go one stage further and use the farm's economic weakness as an excuse to mount a full-scale invasion and ended Napoleon's rule. That's the last thing the power-hungry pig wants, so he's keen to make sure that his false picture of reality is the only one that the outside world will ever get to see.
Detention aims to make a discipline among the students who break rules and policies in school.
It is been said that if a student violates or breaches a policy or rule must be taken for such disciplinary action as it would serve as a consequence for a certain undesirable act. It would be considered that detention instills self-realization that is beneficial to the student's development and learning.
I just got it to go to work today so I’m sorry I didn’t get to work I just got it I’ll
People should be held accountable for life or death situations that they had substantial influence in or control over.
Your question is rather vague and not based upon any sort of book so I decided to give you a general statement --- heads start on your thesis. Life can be very surprising and sometimes events that happen are unstoppable. But clearly in every circumstance where an individual has affected something they should be held accountable for the outcome of their actions. Hope this helps.