It adds emphasis shows how common it is for them
Celebration for his birthday
Yikes: Interjection. A word to express emotion. In this case kind of frightened.
Huge: Adjective specifies the quality size or amount of nouns or pronouns. In this case very big.
Test. Common noun. These are generic names of things, animals, persons or places.
On Friday. Preposition, specifies location (place) or location in time.
Barely. Adverb, also used to describe adjectives verbs or another adverb. In this case barely is describing the verb study.
Studied. Simple Past tense of verb Study.
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Over the course of the play, Juliet becomes more willful, headstrong, and assertive. Though she dearly loves her parents, she gets to the stage where she stops listening to them. They've already made the decision to marry her off to the drippy Paris, and she wants no part of it.
The method of loci is a strategy of memory enhancement which uses visualizations of familiar spatial environments in order to enhance the recall of information. The method of loci is also known as the memory journey, memory palace, or mind palace technique.