forest ecosystem is whereby the organism live together and interact with each other and their environment. The biodiversity in this ecosystem is reducing due to the following factors:
1. deforestation: if most of the trees in the forest are been cut down without replacement it will affect the animal living there. especially herbivores, they feed on this plant and use it as a hideout.
2. bush burning: if the bush is burnt it may lead the animals to ran away for there safety and some may die of hunger, and some trees and plants may also become weak and die therefore reducing food for other animals.
3. Climate change: Climate change is one of the reasons. As deforestation may lead to climate change and many other factors, Without transpiration and evaporation cloud won't be form and there will be no rain which may lead to draught and finally animal will die and others will migrate.
possible solution to this
1. Avoid deforestation, and bush and plant more trees.
2. the government can also make laws concerning deforestation, bush burning, burning of fosil fuels and tires to avoid climate change.
Plants and animals benefit each other as members of food chains and ecosystems. For instance, flowering plants rely on bees and hummingbirds to pollinate them, while animals eat plants and sometimes make homes in them. When animals die and decompose, they enrich the soil with nitrates that stimulate plant growth. I know it's not 5, but I hope it helped.
Scientific laws and scientific theories are very similar.
They both discuss and observe phenomena that have already occurred and been evaluated.
The main difference between the two is that law defines nature and what it does conditionally, and the reaction of nature when these conditions encounter.
To sum it up, law discusses the behavior of something that transpires in many annotations.
A theory on the other hand discusses not the behavior, but the functions. The “why” factor so to speak.
With the sequence of the gene-coding regions of the human genome in hand and the development of newer sequencing methods, scientists are able to
1. develop new forensic tests that can help in the identification of the convict.
2. diagnose genetic diseases before their onset.
3. develop customised medicines based on the genetic profile of the patient.
4. therapeutically target the cancer causing genes (oncogenes) in the patients.
5. understand the inheritance of genes especially the rare mutations in a population.