These are called igneous rocks due to them being made from lava from an volcanoe eruption,
gene flow
Gene flow, in simple terms, is a transfer of gene from one population to another. Also called as migration, where there is movement of individuals, and the genetic material they carry from one population to another. It also involves successful breeding of these individuals in their new locations. When people with sickle cell anemia were brought into the US, transfer of the gene responsible for sickle cell disease changed the frequency of the sickle cell allele in overall US population.
Greater portions of the beach begin to appear during ebbing tides, until the maximum amount of beach is visible at low tide. They usually happens twice in a day. Beaches results from wave action by which waves or currents move sand or other loose sediments of which the beach is made as these particles are held in suspension.
The answer is 3. Double Helix.