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Abscission layer is the layer of cutinized parenchyma cells that develops in the abscission zone. The abscission zone form across the base of the plant part, where the break eventually occurs. During the photosyntesis chlorophyll using sunlight produces sugar and storches which are used as food by plant. And sugar accumulate in leaves.
Dichotomous Keys are used to find out what type of animal,plant,fungi,prokaryote,eukaryote,or bacteria an organism is. A branching diagram is used to find what domain,kingdom,phylum,class,order,family,genus,species an organism belongs in.
The flow of energy starts in in you arms. You put your hands together, and use your arms to move your hands back and forth, this is kinetic energy. Your hands rubbing together causes the molecules to bump into each other, this is friction. As the molecules bump into each other they begin to move faster, and the fast movements of the molecules is what creates heat.