<span>The above statement is an example of the Faulty Analogy fallacy. The players don't necessarily need to be outrageously talented. Baseball is a team sport. As such they could be an outrageously talented TEAM.</span>
A neurological disorder marked by sudden recurrent episodes of sensory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or convulsions, associated with abnormal electrical activity in the brain.
Introduction paragraphs always introduce the main idea, as well as provide some sort of context for what you are writing about.
Follow this patterns
Hook, make your reader want to read your paper, can also be a general statement. i.g <em>Childhood is usually the most beloved time in most people's lives.</em>
Context, do you agree with the hook? Make it more personal,
theme statement, what will you be talking about, i.g <em>Unlike the majority of people my favorite time in life were my teenage years because X,Y,Z. </em>
Hope that helps!
theseus is hercules's cousin and friend
to repent