The poet Ampleforth is the character who was surprisingly thrown in the cell with Winston, the main character.
The surprise isn't really that the poet was jailed, but that he ended up in the same cell as Winston, after all, he had been slipping forbiden words into his poem's "translations" before, a very punishable offense.
sometime life is a hand full
Jonas notes that he is one of the few community members with light eyes—most of the citizens’ eyes are dark—but no one would dare mention this to him for fear of offending him. To many readers, the idea that such a distinctive feature would be a source of shame is confusing, as many of our societies place value on individuality. In Jonas’s society, however, adherence to the sameness of the community is the highest priority, and so standing out at all is considered an embarrassment.
Some of Mexico’s rivers are the Grijalva, the Usumacinta, and the Conchos.
The tone is kind of mysterious because no one knows what is going to happen next.