1) I believe the answer is “they feared the king’s soldiers would march on them,” even though I was taught that they invaded it for gunpowder and etc.
2) It marked the end of over 1000 years of monarchy in France.
3) The French ended slavery.
4) His invasion of Russia (a really bad defeat on his part).
5) The monarchies were re-established (Louis XVIII).
(i’m just not really sure about #1, though)
Constantine was a Roman emperor who ruled early in the 4th century. He was the first Christian emperor and saw the empire begin to become a Christian state. He was born Feb 27, after 280 CE and passed away May 22, 337 AD.
Hope this helps
Banks usually use the deposits of their customers and use it as a loan to another, like for example. Say that I deposited $800 to the bank and u walk in and say u need a loan of $800 to help u buy a Honda, first before the bank gives u the money, they will check your credit score to see if u are reliable and trust worthy to get the loan and give it back to the bank, so they check your score, if its good they will loan u the money, but in some banks, they give it to u, but some people don't realize that banks are making more money cause while they loan, they can charge u fees like say monthly, just by giving u the money to loan, so that's why its better to buy a car in cash forward rather than ask a loan, cause banks are going to give it to u, but when u give it back to them they will charge u a fee just by getting a loan from them. If u don't repay them or loan them back, they can take the money by FORCE : that means they can just take it out of your card and can use the authorities as a shield and tell them why so they can have that as a reason, so that's why its called ''repossession'' of where the bank takes your things if u don't loan them back.
I think philosophy, science, and communication