The primary impact of immigrant inflows to a country is an expansion in the size of its economy, including the labor force. Per capita effects are less predictable: An injection of additional workers into the labor market could negatively impact some people in the pre-existing workforce, native- and foreign-born, while positively impacting others. The wages and employment prospects of many will be unaffected. The direction, magnitude, and distribution of wage and employment effects are determined by the size and speed of the inflow, the comparative skills of foreign-born versus native-born workers and of new arrivals versus earlier immigrant cohorts, and the way other factors of production such as capital adjust to changes in labor supply. Growth in consumer demand (immigrants also buy goods and services), the industry mix and health of the economy, and the nation’s labor laws and enforcement policies also come into play.
The correct answer for this question would be option B. ALL OF THESE ARE CORRECT. The examples of the culture theory of prejudice would be the following: Thomas's vicious cycle theory, Theodor Adorno's research on prejudiced people and lastly, Bogardus's <span>research on social distance. Hope this answer helps.</span>
Well tbh I think its A Slavery was abolished everywhere in the United States effective January 1, 1864
I'm not sure. I don't want to give you the wrong answer
The problem is that "Cupid" is now lost (thought to have been destroyed in 1698 in a fire on London), so we only know about the characteristics of Cupid from stories. It is said to have been treated with acidic earth with Michaelangelo at the time, to make it appear older. The cupid was sleeping on a bed-like structure.
The correct answer is letter B
Olfactory sense is one of the five senses through which odors are perceived. The nose, equipped with olfactory nerves, is the main organ of smell. The olfactory nerves are also important to distinguish the taste of substances that are inside the mouth.
In the nasal cavities, the particles dissolve in the mucus, reaching the olfactory hairs of the olfactory cells. In these, the odor is transformed into nerve impulses, which are transmitted by their axons to the olfactory bulb, followed from this to the brain by the olfactory nerve.
Transduction is a transformation of physical or chemical stimuli into electrical potential by sensory receptors. Whether neuronal or secondary sensory cells, all highly specific.