A. Beta coefficient.
This is widely used in regression analysis and in most times in capital asset pricing models (CAPM). The beta coefficient is a measure of an asset's risk and return in relation to a broad market, meaning that it will show, more or less, how the asset or a portfolio of assets will respond as the market moves up or down. It is used in the capital asset pricing model and regression analysis.
It also can be the measurement of how much the value of a particular share has changed in a particular period of time, compared to the average change in the value of shares in the stocks.
1. Dressing and grooming
2. Postures
3. Muscular tone and tension
4. Movement and gesture
5. Facial communication
6. Eye communication
Health and safety standards, equal pay, working hour limitations, and the freedom to form and join trade unions are examples. With more people today living in conditions of slavery than ever before, laws protecting against labour exploitation, like the Modern Slavery Act 2015, are vital to achieve social justice.
I hope it's helpful
It gives electrons because they are both oppositely charged
The social groups in ancient Egypt were pharaoh, vizier, high priests and nobles.
Pharaoh were the kings of ancient Egypt. In Egyptian civilization, the pharaohs were considered living gods. The Egyptians believed that these rulers were direct children of the god Osiris, so they acted as intermediaries between the gods and the Egyptian population.
Vizier was Pharaoh's prime minister and assisted him in managing many kingdom affairs. He had the job of transmitting the king's orders, collecting taxes, administering justice, controlling the state of public works, and also controlling river transport.
High Priests in the social hierarchy below only in Pharaoh. Endued with enormous prestige and power, they were the Priests or responsible for religion and various functions in the administration of the Egyptian Empire. They were considered the wise men of Egypt.
Nobles the third class was intended for the nobles. Among them military chiefs, who were responsible for the security of Egyptian territory.