False is the correct answer for the above question.
- In java programming language or any other programming language, any loop can be infinite.
- It is because the infinite loop is called for that loop which is not run in a finite number of times.
- The loop is used to repeat some lines in a finite number of times. Any loop has three things- first is the initial value which tells the loop to start, The second is the condition check which states when the loop will stop and the third is an operation which directs some variable, so that the condition may be false after some finite amount of time.
- If the condition will not false in any iteration of the loop, then the loop can proceed for an infinite amount of time.
- The above-question states that the while loop and do while loop can be infinite which is a true statement.
- But it also states that the 'for' loop can not be infinite which is not a correct statement which is described above. Hence false is the correct answer to the above question.
Clipper Chip Kerberos National Information Infrastructure (NII)
The Clipper chip was developed by the NSA (National Security Agency) for enciphering and deciphering messages. It was promoted for voice transmission in telecommunications companies. The Clipper chip was announced in 1993, not all consumers and manufacturers embraced it and only last to 1996.
If you wish to include a header or footer on all pages in a publication, you will need to insert this by navigation to the master page.
In assembly language, two instructions control the use of the assembly language procedure.
CALL pushed the control to the return address onto the stack and transferred the control.
RET instruction returns the address that placed on the stack by a call instruction.
Action RET instruction
- The RET instruction pops the address and returns off the stack, which is pointed by the stack pointer.
- The stack is LIFO in memory at a particular location, and the pointer points offset from the stack location.
RET instruction does its job by consulting the register and memory state at the point when it is executed.
In RET instruction, only register and memory state is executed. Call instruction must save that address that figure out in a register and memory location.
The cursor should move right but if not give me more information to correct my statement