Have a control. You have to have something to compare your experimental results or else your results could be random chance.
Menisci are the semi-lunar fibrous cartilage of the knee which could be either medial meniscus or radial meniscus. The meniscus in humans is present in the joints of the knee, sternoclavicular joints, wrist and temporomandibular joints.
These menisci play important roles in these joints as they reduce the friction caused by the bones during movement. They also disperse the weight of the body of the humans as they spread the load of the weight of the body to different bones like the femur and tibia.
The correct option is the number 2. Cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease that affects the glands that produce mucus, sweat and digestive juices, this genetic disorder makes the secretions more sticky and thick, they accumulate and produces blockage in the tubes, ducts and passages, in particular in the lungs and pancreas.
The mucus block the ducts that carry digestive enzymes from the pancreas to the small intestine. Without these digestive enzymes, the intestines are not able to completely absorb nutrients in the food. The result is often, little increase in weight and growth, intestinal obstruction, particularly in newborns (ìleo meconium), among others.
Cystic fibrosis also affects the epithelial cells of the sweat glands, children suffering from this disorder may have a kind of salt layer on the skin. They can also lose abnormally high amounts of salt when they sweat on hot days.
Lamarck's theory basically says that traits that are developed over time can be passed on (Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics), which is incorrect. Darwin is correct that only traits possessed at birth can be passed on.
The arrangement of mycolic acids in the cell wall envelopes
of mycobacteria allows them to function as a type of outer membrane because an outer
membrane is composed of organisms or substance that will be of function as a
protection a divider for its surroundings as like the mycolic acid is doing in
the cell wall of the mycobacteria.