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Roosevelt grew frustrated with Taft's conservatism and belatedly tried to win the 1912 Republican nomination. He failed, walked out, and founded the so-called "Bull Moose" Party which called for wide-ranging progressive reforms. He ran in the 1912 election and the split allowed the Democratic nominee Woodrow Wilson to win the election. Following the defeat, Roosevelt led a two-year expedition to the Amazon basin where he nearly died of tropical disease. During World War I, he criticized President Wilson for keeping the country out of the war with Germany, and his offer to lead volunteers to France was rejected. He considered running for president again in 1920, but his health continued to deteriorate and he died in 1919. The decimation of bison, and the eradication of elk, bighorn sheep, deer and other game species was a loss which Roosevelt felt indicative of society's perception of our natural resources. He saw the effects of overgrazing, and suffered the loss of his ranches because of it. While many still considered natural resources inexhaustible, Roosevelt would write:
We have become great because of the lavish use of our resources. But the time has come to inquire seriously what will happen when our forests are gone, when the coal, the iron, the oil, and the gas are exhausted, when the soils have still further impoverished and washed into the streams, polluting the rivers, denuding the fields and obstructing navigation.
Conservation increasingly became one of Roosevelt's main concerns. After becoming president in 1901, Roosevelt used his authority to protect wildlife and public lands by creating the United States Forest Service (USFS) and establishing 150 national forests, 51 federal bird reserves, 4 national game preserves, 5 national parks, and 18 national monuments by enabling the 1906 American Antiquities Act. During his presidency,Theodore Roosevelt protected approximately 230 million acres of public land.
Today, the legacy of Theodore Roosevelt is found across the country.
There are 2 answers. A language and a person
1. A language widely used as a lingua franca in East Africa
A member of a people of Zanzibar and nearby coastal regions, descendants of the original speakers of Swahili.
By the 1690s, most New England colonies became more like the Rhode Island founders regarding their treatment of slaves, since Rhode Island had long detested slavery.
Answer: Obviously, Luther was considered to be heretic and was summoned to defend his theses.
Explanation: Luther, "the little monk" from Germany threatened the profitable system of indulgences and the Roman Catholic Church had to respond.
Luther was subsequently called to debate high-ranking Catholic theologians, such as Cardinal Cajetan in Augsburg (1518) and Johann Eck in Leipzig (1519) and surprised everyone with his refusal to change his views.
On the contrary, Luther even expanded his critique of the church in Rome with three major pieces in 1520. In these important documents, Luther publicly questioned the infallibility and authority of the Pope, critiqued central Roman Catholic doctrines, and he defended the priesthood of all believers. Of course, the Pope was not amused. In his papal bull, Exsurge Domine, he declared that Luther was a “wild boar that had invaded the Lord’s vineyard,” and called Luther to recant his views. Not intimidated at the slightest, Luther burned the bull and was subsequently excommunicated.