The United States' total cotton output tripled between 1816 and 1826. Cotton continued to rise in value as the nation's primary export, and by 1836, would make up two-thirds of all American exports in terms of value.
C) he explored parts of Canada for England who is rulers use his trip to claim much of North America
The United States adopted quite couple of Jefferson’s ideas.
One being his ideas on the Declaration of Independence; he felt it should be referenced and changed with every generation to keep up with the ever-changing needs of newer generations. This impacts our present day, and is why we have the Census every 10 years.
The second being The Ward System. The Ward System was created by Jefferson, and provided free school, the scholarship system, police, militia, and more. These are still implemented present day.
This is about the extent of my Jefferson history knowledge, hopefully this is enough to help you out!! (I am taking a Political Science class and learned this from it. All real information!)