Las principales actividades económicas del virreinato fueron la minería, la agricultura (maíz, cacao y otros productos originarios de la antigua Mesoamérica), la ganadería (introducida por los europeos, quienes trajeron la mayor parte de los animales criados) y el comercio (limitado únicamente a las posesiones ...
It gave Georgia leadership in the Senate as a result of his length of service.
Explanation: Soldiers' attitudes towards the Great War are a controversial issue, as they ... This topic has sparked many interrogations, and a degree of ... most of the men classified as "deserters" in 1914 were actually living ... But there was also a negative, coercive aspect to the upholding of cohesion and obedience.
The South Sudanese authorities have allowed impunity to flourish over serious human rights violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity committed since brutal conflict broke out in December 2013, prosecuting only one case, Amnesty International said in a new report today. “ Do you think we will prosecute ourselves: No prospects for accountability in South Sudan ” reveals a justice system that is crippled by a lack of independence.
It was all the fashion rage at the time. ALL men had to be clean shaven
if they weren't then they were shaved by force.