see explaination
//selective dev elements by id name
var gradeA = document.querySelector("#GradeA");
var passing = document.querySelector("#Passing");
var learning = document.querySelector("#Learning");
//function showGrades
function showGrades() {
var arr = [];
//converting string to int and inserting into array
arr[0] = parseInt(gradeA.textContent);
arr[1] = parseInt(passing.textContent);
arr[2] = parseInt(learning.textContent);
//creating json blob
var blob = new Blob(new Array(arr), {type:"text/json"});
return blob;
Your question has been up too long, a moderator may have to delete it.
we will contact moderators to find your question and remove it, and hopefully, they will refund the points, which is not up to me.
<span>thank you for using brainly.</span>
does your toothpaste have salt?
Hi there Rumanruxi! The error is in the if statement "if(userNum = 2)".
The if statement in this Java code is assigning userNum the value of 2 instead of comparing it with the value of 2. For equals comparison we need to write two equals "==" in the statement as: "if (userNum == 2)". This will return true if userNum is 2 otherwise it will return false.
Because of the contract that you have agreed to when joining the work force. Which is different from the private sector.