The answer is; in the summer
Insects such as blowflies increase their population in the summers when the temperatures are warm. One reason is that most insects are ectotherms hence their body temperatures are dependent on ambient environmental temperatures. In addition, the maggot stage of the blowfly pupates mostly in warm and dry conditions hence increasing winged flies populations in the summer.
Our star—the Sun—is a bubbling, boiling ball of fire. See Picture 1 to the right. It constantly belches out great clouds of hot gas. This gas is all charged up with electricity, too. This stuff travels at astounding speeds, some of it right toward Earth! This means that Earth’s weather happens inside the Sun’s weather!
Thank goodness Earth’s magnetic field (see Picture 2) and atmosphere protect us from most of this blast. Otherwise, the Sun’s weather would be OUR weather. Yikes!
However, we are still affected by the Sun’s atmosphere and its violent activities. We call this part of our weather “space weather,” because it comes to us through space from the Sun.
Damage to cell membrane can also lead to leakage of important cell constituents required for various metabolism of the cell. There can also be imbalance of electrolyte concentration in the cell which could lead to damage of proteins and organelles of the cell.
Where is the DNA template strand?
A study of <u>those newborn babies</u>
Studying the infants from these pregnant women lead the researchers to find out that this drug interfered with the process of limb formation if the pregnant woman had taken this drug anytime during the 26 days critical for limb formation and development. In this way, it makes for an instance where nurture had disrupted nature.