Number 1?
if your looking for a fine cut answer then I would go with Number 1 but in reality none of these answers are correct southerners did not welcome the abolishment of slavery in anyway. While legally slavery was no more it was replaced with other systems like share cropping that continued to oppress minorities, as well as segregated bathrooms, schools and water fountains many minorities found it near imposable to find stable job from discriminative white business owners.
La corrupción política o Malpolítica es el uso de poderes por parte de los funcionarios del gobierno o sus contactos en la red para un beneficio privado ilegítimo. Las formas de corrupción varían, pero pueden incluir soborno, cabildeo, extorsión, amiguismo, nepotismo, provincianismo, clientelismo, tráfico de influencias, corrupción y malversación.
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Answer: The written treaty ceded roughly 130,000 km² of land from the Rocky Mountains to the west, the Cypress Hills to the east, the Red Deer River to the north, and the US border to the south. All nations kept the rights to use the land for hunting.
Australia uses alot of forms of voting for most of all elections. voters are the number the candidates on the ballot paper in the order of their preference.
Taking into account the statement above: "Which of the following describes the response of Irish Americans to the new immigrants who entered the United States after 1870?"
The answer is: Hostile.
Hope this helps.