GCF: the greatest common factor of numerator and denominator is a factor that can be removed to reduce the fraction.
The numerator and denominator of 6/8 have GCF of 2:
6/8 = (2·3)/(2·4)
The fraction can be reduced by canceling those factors.
(2·3)/(2·4) = (2/2)·(3/4) = 1·(3/4) = 3/4
LCM: the least common multiple of the denominators is suitable as a common denominator. Addition and subtraction are easily performed on the numerators when the denominator is common.
The fractions 2/3 and 1/5 can be added using a common denominator of LCM(3, 5) = 15.
2/3 + 1/5 = 10/15 + 3/15 = (10+3)/15 = 13/15
Answer: If a vertical line can be drawn to touch the graph of a function in more than one place, then is NOT a function of . If it is not possible to draw a vertical line to touch the graph of a function in more than one place, then y is a function of x.
If we are going to write the equation in its mathematical form, we will see that it becomes,
<span> f(x) = 17/(x – 5)</span>
The domain of the function is the number of x that would allow us to solve the equation and get a real value for f(x). In this equation, x can take any real numbers so long as it is not 5. This is because 5 – 5 in the denominator will lead to 0 which in turn makes the equation indefinite.
<span> </span>
1 is D
2 is A
3. is B
4. is D
5. is C