The racism of certain individuals in this country. It is our duty to ensure equality between every human being and one should not be treated any worse
because it is one of the best arming areas in the word yes
Manorialism is a system of vesting property in a lord of the manor, who had jurisdiction over subject peasants. The system was based on mutual obligation and benefit. The king or some other high lord gave the use and benefit of the manor to the lord of the manor in exchange for military and political support. The lord of the manor gave the peasants a place to live, fields to farm, and protection in exchange for labor, part of the crop, or other economic support.
African Americans gained freedom from joining World War 2
While it's true that if George Washington is beheaded, he dies (cutting someone's head off is obviously a deadly injury), it's not necessarily true that if he dies, it was because he was beheaded, because George Washington did not necessarily die from beheading, he could have died from other causes.