I believe the main reason why the U.N. was created was to prevent wars by facilitating cooperation between countries.
The United Nations, formerly known as the League of Nations, was established in the 20th century. According to the official website, the U.N's four primary goals are the following: "To keep peace throughout the world; to develop friendly relations among nations; to help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms; to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals." Hope this helps; have a great day!
With a hit of the “hammer” on the piece of wood.
Citizen participation refers to the citizens' involvement in their country's government. In an autocracy, there is often very little citizen participation. The power lies solely in the government, most likely in just one person. One example of an autocratic government is a monarchy. In which, the King or Queen holds all the power. Citizen participation is not a priortiy in this form of government. In an oligarchy, a group of people are in control. Usually, this group is a higher/richer class. A democratic government, however, involves more citizen participation than arguably any other government form. In a democratic system, the citizens make most of the important decisions. Presidents, represenatives, law-makers, etc. are all elected by the citizens.
Nehru prioritized democracy and industries as his pillars of economic development. many independent countries at the time prioritized the difference, which is agriculture and stability over the ideals of democracy. within a few years of his reign, India had risen to become the world largest democracy and one of the fast developing economies.