Tropical cyclone is a natural phenomenon that everyone has nothing to do in order to stop it but rather take precautionary measure before it approaches. (1) In Mozambique, if you are planning to go out, remember there is a tropical cyclone that is coming. Listen to radio and TV broadcasts or browse over the internet information regarding the cyclone. (2) Secure those loose objects. Try to stock food that is good for 3 days for the whole family. (3) Keep indoor.
The era of piracy began in the 1500’s and faded by the 1830’s. Their presence was consistent in the Caribbean from 1623-1638 which ended due to navies of Western Europe and North Americans combatting the pirates. Pirates were most successful from 1660-1730’s. Particularly during the 1600’s, maritime technology began innovation. Trading traffic increased, which for pirates meant more ships to ransack and give rise to their piracy. By the 1690’s, pirates began a route they named the “Pirate Round.” They would sail from the Indian to the Red Sea, searching for trade ships deploying from India. 1718 was the beginning of the end for the “Golden Age of Piracy.” Two years later, in 1720, the English captured famous pirate Jack Rackham and his two female shipmates. In 1722, the wealthiest pirate known had died. His name was Bartholomew Roberts. By 1730, this era had ended.
According to the Wikipedia, more than 75% of the worlds most active volcanoes occur on the Ring of Fire.
About 81% - 90% of the words largest earthquakes also occur on the Ring of Fire.
Megacities have an impact on public health, like contamination of water. Overpopulated places can bring diseases and a lack of health protection.
Megacities are the base for gas emissions that could be very dangerous for the environment. Traffic jam is getting worse day by day. Almost half of the habitant of one city spends at least one hour in the car to get to work.