Whatever you were learning, write about it. Since this is post is in middle school, your teacher probably expects atleast half a page to be written in. Write about whatever was asked to be written in the entry. If you're reading a book for class, it may need to be a summary of what you read in the book. If you had an assignment, it's probably about the assignment. "Journal entry" means to write in your notebook, so this wasn't very clear what you need help with, ask a classmate about what assignment needs to be written about
Students and orators find that using an outline assists their presentations and keeps them on track. While speaking, students and orators may stray from their main ideas. An outline in lieu of note cards helps the presenter achieve his goals in a timely manner and promotes a more efficient and informative presentation.
He describes eating children as a cheap and evenhanded way to solve poverty. APEX
John Locke → Second Treatise on Government
Thomas Hobbes → Leviathan
Samuel Johnson → A Dictionary of the English Language
John Dryden → Annus Mirabilis
Secrets ruin even strong friendships.
According to the excerpt from "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," by Robert Louis Stevenson, Mr Hyde offers to take the potion in front of Dr Lanyon, who accepts the offer. However, Lanyon is so disturbed and horrified that refuses to believe Jekyll's metamorphosis and feels scared to death. In fact, he dies shortly.