The two lovers seemed doomed from the day. Set up like a bowling pin, and knocked out the very way.
How could they live with out each other, not a peak nor a stare or a quick view of one another.
Cast down to the pits of Hades they remain, and not each and everyone nor wits are the same.
Eurydice once bit. Tragedy came in a lickety- Split.
Global changes are caused mostly by humans.
Driving cars instead of walking, burning fuels for cooking and heating, manufacturing, transporting, and much more are human activates that have caused global warming/changes over time...
A refutation is a kind of counter argument. You are opposing an answer by denying it and offering evidence to show it is not true.
Concessions is not quite the same thing. You are letting go of part of an argument so that you can hold on to the better part that could win.
It seems, (Though it has been awhile since I have had read this story) that she is more open to the oddness of the place. Instead of trying to rationalize this she is only going along with it.