C. Its members were interested in re-creating the music dramas staged by ancient Greeks, is the correct answer.
Florentine Camerata were intellectuals, musicians, poets and humanists of Florence during the late renaissance. Under the patronage of Count Giovanni de Bardi, they used to gather and Giovanni's and discuss trends in drama, arts, and music. The gathering was famous for having all the famous men of Florence, their first meeting was in 1573 and its popularity climaxed between 1577 and 1582. It tried to revive Greek dramatic style and Camerats's experiments led to the development of stile recitativo, it led to the composition of dramatic music and the development of Opera.
They are implied powers of congress, which are allowed the elastic clause
The mid-Atlantic colony of Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn primarily because of his devotion to religion freedom. Penn was a Quaker who believed that there should be a place where all religions are welcome.
Emphasize that whenever a news story is breaking, students should resist the temptation to react right away. Instead, they should slow down and try to get the full story.
North America and Europe are least infected by the el nino
Mot of the tates in those continents have are non infected by and more able to recover from climate change