B) Georgia</em></h2>
From November 15 until December 21, 1864, Union General William T. Sherman led some 60,000 soldiers on a 285-mile march from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia. The purpose of Sherman's March to the Sea was to frighten Georgia's civilian population into abandoning the Confederate cause.
The Aztec ruled over a large Empire that included most of Central and Southern Mexico. They had subjugated other peoples like the neighboring Tlaxcaltecas, who were in fact crucial for the Spanish Conquest.
The Aztec were often very ruthless against their subjects. They extracted onerous economic tribute, and also practiced human sacrifices, often killing people from the subjugated tribes.
I’d like to learn why it might be there, and some signs you see include dnemejekejedndjke
A. Immigrants faced a lot of problems like not being able to vote and socially people think they are “aliens” because they didn’t come from the country they are in. Even to this day it still happens.
The Sui evidently meant to replace the weak regimes of the age of disunion with strong centralized government, to unify China by eliminating the feeble “legitimate” Chinese regime at Nanjing. The emperor moved into his half-built capital in 583, and he immediately set his grand design in motion.